
June 29, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday - I'm BACK!!


  1. Girl, you crack me up! You need to post a pic of that new haircut!

  2. i LOVE that song. Not gonna lie... I have listened to it while in the shower, in Cancun, in July.

    I HATE shelf bra tanks!!! They don't do anything that a bra should do. I always have to wear bras with them anyway, and all they do is push my bra up too high so it sticks out of the top of the shirt. hate them.

  3. 1. I love you.
    2. I die every time I read your blog. HYsterical.
    3. Thank you for coming back to us. You have been missed! (dirty cheater.)

  4. LOL Bejeweled Blitz consumes my life too!!! I am at 368,000! =p Welcome Back!

  5. Ha ha, I love bejewewled...we used to download the free trial, then delete all the software and download again..unfortunately it stopped letting us do that...pooh! I love your posties!

    Oh, and did I tell you I tried pretzel M&M's...DELISH, I'm totally addicted! Hubs found a 2/$3 sale and bought me two (of the medium sized) bags....I won't say how long they lasted!


What's up little pup?